Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Subterranean Coffee Shop on a Hot Day

On a brutally hot day last week, when I found myself on the Marunouchi Line en route to Shinjuku with a few hours to kill before an evening appointment, what I wanted more than anything was to stay out of the heat.  Normally, I don't like being cut off from daylight in the daytime, but on this day, daylight was connected with the concept of being outside, and being outside meant suffering in high humidity heat - heat that killed some and caused heat stroke in many others.  So as the train approached Shinjuku, I thought "How can I most speedily get to an inexpensive air-conditioned coffee shop in Shinjuku without going outside...." and the best option appeared to be to find one underground.  I was already on the subway, so I just needed to stay underground.
Exiting the Marunouchi Line, I went over to an underground mall that I've briefly gone into from time to time over the past three decades, but never wanted to spend much time in, as I've always preferred to be outside.  But not this day!  Never had the thought of being deep underground (it's two levels down) felt so good!  First I found an inexpensive coffee shop and bought an ice coffee there for Y200.  I sat at a counter facing the window, and watched people walking by in the subterranean passageway (tunnel really).  I had some work-related text to work on, so I pulled that out and got a little work done while fighting off sleep (I'd only slept for two hours the night before).  I was there for about 45 minutes, but it was very crowded and noisy there, so I decided to get out of that space and do something else.

Leaving the coffee shop, I did a leisurely stroll through the rest of the dual-tunnel area (with shops on both sides).  I noticed there were more restaurants down there than I had realized, but they all seemed to have nothing cheaper than about Y1,200, which was slightly more than I wanted to spend.  I also wasn't overly enthusiastic with how they looked inside... but then I came across a classy looking coffee shop, and they had a good-looking pasta dish in the display window for Y800 and the atmosphere inside looked really nice.

So, in I went, and it really was a nice, relaxed atmosphere, with comfortably chilled air (perfect after rolling my sleeves back down).  The pasta dish was good (eaten while a beautiful young woman sitting at the next table ate some kind of snack she had brought in while she slowly drank the ice coffee she had ordered and worked on her schedule (going back and forth between a thick schedule book and her smartphone).  After the pasta, I ordered a slice of cheesecake, which was kind of disappointing.  it had plastic wrapping on the side (indicating it was delivered to the store that way after being made elsewhere) and it was overly sweet.  Also they never refilled my water glass.  (It occurred to me that they may have been miffed by my not having ordered a drink?)

One other comment about the shop.  Nearly all the other customers were women, including a pair who initially sat to my left (the snack-eating woman was on my right), who were doing an interesting trick I've observed several Chinese people doing over the last couple of years.  It goes like this.  A Chinese person is talking to someone (in person, or on the phone) in Chinese and as you come near and begin to think "Ah... that's not a local - that's a Chinese visitor..." they say some things in (properly pronounced) Japanese and you (the first time it happens anyway) think "Oh!  I guess I misheard them!  They're Japanese after all!".  But if you stay in the vicinity, they eventually go back - at a slightly lower volume - to Chinese and by tuning into the slightly disturbed radio waves in the air you begin to get a clear picture of what's happening and why.  It's quite clever really - and works amazingly well, unless the people nearby are being more perceptive and tuning in more carefully than most people do.

Oops... sidetracked by the stealth Chinese women!  Back to what I wanted to say about the shop having mostly women customers.  Sitting there quietly, hand-writing some things, and looking around a little from time-to-time, I could feel a kind of nearly-all female atmosphere, and by the time I left, I was beginning to feel like I didn't belong in the space.  Not strongly so, but I did imagine/think/sense that the women around me would be more comfortable with the male at my table (me) not there (particularly when the two Chinese women left and a pair of local women sat down in their place who appeared to be in female-only mode).  It was a nice and interesting experience, but probably wouldn't be if I went there too often.

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Thursday, July 19, 2018

JV&EV - Sort of a Podcast

   My preferred way of expressing myself is through writing - I can focus on the words, go back over them and come up with something I'm ready to show people.  Speaking is much more problematic - while you can do several takes of a recording (if you have the time to), it's never going to be as complete a picture as something carefully written.
   But time - so long as you do it in one take - is one area where an audio recording beats writing.  If you have some point to make and you just blast it out verbally, you can express it much more quickly than you could in writing.
   All a long way of saying that I'm thinking it would be a logistically practical thing for me to record some thoughts verbally in videos rather than wait for time to write that I never seem to find.
   And so, I made two pairs of videos in Shinjuku this week - each pair saying basically the same thing, with one (the JV version) being in Japanese (not my native language, so...) and the other (the EV version) being in English.  Here are the first pair - talking about how Shinjuku is the one place in Japan I've consistently spent time in (for one reason or another) for the entire 34 years I've been in Japan.

JV-1 新宿は故郷みたい 180717
   In the video I call JV and EV Japanese Vocal and English Vocal, but Japanese Version and English Version makes more sense, so in spite of what I say on the tape, henceforth I'll be considering the "V" to be for "Version".  Anyway, here's the English version of the above video:

EV-1 Shinjuku - My Hometown in Tokyo 180717
   In this English version, I start off calling the V of EV "Voice" and then "Vocal" and now I'm saying "Version".  Version seems the most logical to me now....
   Once I started off with the first two, later that same evening (in a different part of Shinjuku) I decided to comment on something that's come up now and then regarding the early nineties videos - people will comment on change, or lack of change, and not infrequently, someone will comment on a video that shows a place that has undergone quite a lot of change and say "Nothing has changed!".  I'm not sure that that is, but something is wrong/strange about the comment, since it's factually wrong.  In any case, as I say in the following two videos, whether a place has changed or not isn't really the point - it's just a record of what a particular moment on a particular day looked and sounded like.

JV-2 一世代前から変わったのか変わっていないのか 180717
   And - as with the JV-1 & EV-1 pair, the Japanese version is first and the English version second.  I do the Japanese version first, because if I do the English version first, I'll likely end up stumbling more with Japanese while trying to say the same thing.  Starting with the language I have a more limited vocabulary in works better.

EV-2 Everything Has Changed or Nothing Has 180717
   This could go in different directions.  Assuming there are things to say, this is a way of speedily getting words into the wires.  If there are things you'd like to ask me about the early nineties videos - or current life in Tokyo - or whatever, send me the questions and maybe I'll attempt to answer them in a video like the two pairs above.
   And while we're on the topic - here are some playlists for videos I took in 1990, 1991, 1992 and 1993.  The peak year was 1991....

   1990年 (over 700 videos)   1991年 (over 1,000 videos)
   1992年 (about 250 videos)   1993年 (79 videos)

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Views from 1990, 1991, 1992 & 2018 - Taito-ku, Waseda, etc.

This time I was able to find time to get some pictures together to go with the video links.  Some will match the video link they are near, but probably not all.  In any case, I'll try to match pictures with this batch and not just put images in randomly.  Time is always the issue.  There are so many things I could be posting if I only had time (anyone out there want to sponsor me to do this full-time?...)
   I said not random, but there will be some of that, such as this picture right here (above) - from 1991 Akihabara.  Speaking of Akihabara, there was a comment recently from someone saying that they didn't actually care for the area much at the time, and it brought back some similar memories.  I had initially gone to the area to buy electronics, but it seemed like the shopkeepers were too used to tourists from the age of foreign currencies being strong.  I'd go to various shops there and typically be quoted rather high prices and the shopkeepers would invariably say "Besuto-puraisu!-Besuto-puraisu!", so I gave up on shopping there and bought all my electronics at Yodobashi Camera in Shinjuku (all of my video cameras were bought in Shinjuku for example).
                             Ginza View from 2018
   Once computers came along, I could only afford to buy used ones, and then I became a big fan of Akihabara!  There were a lot of good shops selling used equipment for prices I could afford (I'm writing this right now on a used keyboard plugged into a used computer that I bought in Akiba - only the mouse is new).  There are still some shops selling used equipment, but they are disappearing fast.  I'm wondering if I'll even be able to stay on-line... the new touch screen junk is useless to me for what I need to do with a computer....
   Well, let's get into the video links and maybe I'll diverge from the links here and there to talk about something or other.  Maybe not... let's see how it goes.  Anyway....

1992 台東区と荒川区 長い散策散歩 下町の祭りなど 南千住駅まで Taito-ku Arakawa-ku 920607 https://youtu.be/jjJ_-CrqkyU
   I recorded fairly long scenes of this summer festival, but cut most of them out, due to the music.  I would like to have left those scenes in, but music is a Very Dangerous Thing for videos.  There are a lot of things I can't use because some bit of a recorded song leaked into the sound track from a shop's PA system.  Generally, I love music, but when it comes to video, I hate it, because it's a threat to my material.  When it forces its way onto the soundtrack of one of my videos, it ruins the material.  Incidentally, I have never put any music into one of my videos.  Any music that is there has leaked in from the environment.
   Of course, music at a festival like this is (usually) live, so obviously it's an integral part of the scene.  As another artist's performance, I have to respect that it's not mine - so a scene of musicians playing that was originally about fifteen minutes long, is about three or four seconds in this video - just a few one-second glimpses.

1992 南千住駅-日暮里駅-池袋駅 常磐線と山手線と西武線 Minami-Senju to Ikebukuro 920607 https://youtu.be/JHMyOMvfUYg

1992 ひばりヶ丘駅-池袋駅-新宿駅-新宿東口 Hibarigaoka to Shinjuku 920614 https://youtu.be/5jYkAdXikbA
1992 池袋駅-保谷駅 夜遅くの下り西武池袋線 Ikebukuro to Hoya 920614 https://youtu.be/0b3HiuQv3vY
1992 ひばりが丘のあさ散策散歩 Hibarigaoka Morning Stroll 920621

1992 池袋駅と渋谷と公園と他 Ikebukuro Shibuya Etc 920621

1992 バスと練馬駅当たりと西武池袋線とひばりが丘 Nerima Station Area Walkabout 920622 https://youtu.be/VQplO1ebPLc
1992 山手線 駅 駅 短い動画 Yamanote Line - Very Short Video 920628 https://youtu.be/l8ru2gIDjcY

1992 ひばりが丘 池袋 山手線 高田馬場駅 Hibarigaoka to Ikebukuro and Takadanobaba 920704 https://youtu.be/6Nqg9OfA5eY
1992 高田馬場駅からの神田川隣他の長い散策散歩 Long Walkabout from Takadanobaba 920704 https://youtu.be/iCLcbNZp36U

1991 レッドアロー特急通過します ひばりヶ丘駅 特急ちちぶ Red Arrow at Hibarigaoka 910620 https://youtu.be/PiOQA4Ywr9U
1991 ひばりが丘北 雨の日 短い散歩とひばりヶ丘駅 910620
1991 Ticket Office 910620 https://youtu.be/S59Gdx1b-Mo
1991 ひばりヶ丘駅-池袋駅 西武池袋線 雨の日 Hibarigaoka to Ikebukuro 910620 https://youtu.be/5WqmKo5n5RU
1991 池袋駅 雨の木曜日の午後 Ikebukuro Station on Rainy Thursday 910620 https://youtu.be/_a1-Z6MO7Do
1991 快速中央線と各駅総武線が並べて走って 山手線からの様子 新宿駅手前 910620 https://youtu.be/uTzstr-QYc8
1991 池袋駅-五反田駅 山手線 Ikebukuro to Gotanda - Yamanote Line 910620 https://youtu.be/vTYdIWdVHQ0
1991 五反田駅の新しい赤い床 Gotanda Station Red Floor 910620
1991 五反田駅-西馬込駅 都営浅草線 Gotanda to Nishi-Magome 910620
1991 西馬込駅辺りの散策散歩 南馬込五丁目他 Nishi-Magome Station Area 910620 https://youtu.be/NbtxjVYVoss
1991 西馬込駅-五反田駅 都営浅草線 Nishi-Magome to Gotanda 910620
1991 五反田駅辺りの散歩 両側 Gotanda Station - Both Sides 910620
1991 五反田駅-新宿駅 山手線 Gotanda to Shinjuku - Yamanote Line 910620
1991 新宿駅と南口と西新宿と西口 Shinjuku Station Walkabout 910620

1991 池袋駅と東口駅前の夕方様子 Ikebukuro Station 910620
1991 池袋駅-ひばりヶ丘駅 西武池袋線 Ikebukuro to Hibarigaoka - Seibu Line 910620 https://youtu.be/yS2ZmCPdEzw
1991 雨の日の立ち読み 910620

1991 ひばりが丘 雨の日の散策散歩 Hibarigaoka Walkabout - Rainy Day 910620 https://youtu.be/Yg2vwxNIjfo

1991 ひばりヶ丘駅前 バスで田無駅まで Night Bus to Tanashi 910621
1991 ひばりヶ丘駅の踏切 Hibarigaoka RR-Crossing 910621
1991 鏡遊び - 駅をきれいに美しく Reflections and Motion 910621
1991 田無駅-上石神井駅-鷺ノ宮駅-野方駅_西武新宿線 Tanashi to Nogata 910621 https://youtu.be/i9pGxlD-5Iw
1991 野方駅辺りの散歩 野方駅前商店街など Nogata Station Area 910621
1991 雨の夜中 中野駅へ向かう Nakano - Middle of the Night 910622
1991 午前四時の中野駅 Nakano Station at 400AM 910622
1991 朝一の下り線 中野駅-立川駅-青梅駅-奥多摩駅 中央線と青梅線 201系など 910622 https://youtu.be/FB6-7QhjJpE
1991 奥多摩駅と駅辺り 雨の日 103系青梅線 Okutama Station and Station Area 910622 https://youtu.be/a713ho6AD3M

2018 夜の新宿散歩 横断歩道 West Side of Shinjuku Station 180313

2018 小平駅 ホームの様子 Kodaira Station 180314

2018 西武拝島線 窓の風景 Seibu-Haijima Line Window View 180314

2018 新宿の横断歩道 Shinjuku Crosswalk 180320

2018 桜と空 歩いて上に見る Sakura Walk 180328

2018 桜と空 上に見る (ア) BT Sakura and Sky 180328

2018 桜と空 上に見る (イ) TB Sakura and Sky 180328

2018 桜と空 上に見る (ウ) RL Sakura and Sky 180328

2018 桜と空 上に見る (エ) BT Sakura and Sky 180328

2018 桜と空 上に見る (オ) TB Sakura and Sky 180328

2018 Request to Camera Manufacturers 180327

2018 Nishi-Shinjuku Smartphone People - Sakura Season 180327

2018 Nissan Showroom - Ginza 4-Chome 180330n

2018 Subway Bound - Shibuya 180330n

2018 桜見 千鳥ヶ淵 夕暮れの時 千代田区 Twilight Sakura at Chidorigafuchi 180330 https://youtu.be/2OlFRj0bQWA

2018 桜見 千鳥ヶ淵 夜の時 千代田区 Nighttime Sakura at Chidorigafuchi 180330 https://youtu.be/J8kT5DjaNgg

2018 千鳥ヶ淵夜花見 Nighttime Sakura at Chidorigafuchi 180330

2018 春の月と桜 千鳥ヶ淵の夜 Moon and Sakura at Chidorigafuchi 180330g https://youtu.be/RQEQJd4vk1k

2018 中央線窓風景 国分寺-中野 Kokubunji to Mitaka - Chuo Line 180330

2018 Watching Trains at Night 180403

2018 新宿駅 夜の中央線ホーム Shinjuku Station Platform 180403
2018 大塚駅前 都電荒川線の出発 Arakawa Line at Otsuka 180407
2018 西武拝島線 小川駅からの出発 Seibu-Haijima Line Departure 180407

2018 田町駅後-品川駅 山手線 Tamachi to Shinagawa - Yamanote Line 180413 https://youtu.be/7odsQpkKdeE

2018 特急を通過します Passing Express Train 180418

2018 新宿駅南口 改札を通して小田急線に乗る Odakyu Shinjuku Station 180403 https://youtu.be/ow8Gx68CPoM
2018 新宿駅-代々木上原駅 小田急線 Shinjuku to Yoyogi-Uehara - Odakyu Line 180403 https://youtu.be/MpnIhQO6OfE
2018 代々木上原駅 夜ホームの様子 千代田線の出発 Yoyogi-Uehara Station at Night 180403 https://youtu.be/zNBnYElbL3M

2018 代々木上原駅-代々木八幡駅-参宮橋駅-南新宿駅-新宿駅 小田急線の各駅停車 180403 https://youtu.be/s79OOoevdHA
2018 夕暮れの有楽町駅 電車々 Twilight at Yurakucho Station 180419

1991 西新宿から新宿駅西口まで Nishi-Shinjuku to Shinjuku Station 910703
1991 当時の新しい自動改札口 新宿駅西口 First Automatic Ticket Gates 910703 https://youtu.be/D0Gw1eXypNU
1991 新宿駅-池袋駅-ひばりヶ丘駅-ひばりが丘 自動と有人改札 Shinjuku to Hibarigaoka 910703 https://youtu.be/vSZg4CH-0GM
1991 西馬込駅からの南馬込散策散歩 Walkabout from Nishimagome Station 910704 https://youtu.be/Qbqxfjt_AJ0

1991 五反田駅 都営浅草線と山手線 Gotanda Station - Subway and Elevated 910704 https://youtu.be/t6UyenNnD08

1991 五反田駅-池袋駅-ひばりヶ丘駅 山手線と西武池袋線 Gotanda to Hibarigaoka 910704 https://youtu.be/qaI3qqfAFZ4

1991 ひばりヶ丘駅-池袋駅-神田駅 西武池袋線と山手線 Hibarigaoka to Kanda 910706 https://youtu.be/OrZV4ZOJzr0

1991 ひばりヶ丘駅北口 細い階段と通路と有人改札口 Hibarigaoka Old East Exit 910706 https://youtu.be/v2rArBOQbhs
1991 神田駅から日本橋川の長い散策散歩 隅田川まで Nihonbashi Riverside Walkabout 910706 https://youtu.be/tfvTLkRkM80

2018 新宿の四月の夕方 Evening Shinjuku 180424
2018 銀座奧野ビルの散策散歩 階段 音の響くなど 180426g
2018 大崎の噴水 180427

2018 - Lyle Talking About Composition 180506
2018 高田馬場 日曜日の朝 180506

2018 高田馬場駅 山手線ホームの様子 日曜日の朝 Takadanobaba Station 180506 https://youtu.be/XEYyGCXEfDE

2018 高田馬場駅-目白駅-池袋駅 山手線 Takadanobaba to Ikebukuro - Yamanote Line 180506g
2018 有楽町駅-新橋駅-浜松町駅-田町駅-品川駅 山手線 Yurakucho to Shinagawa 180511 https://youtu.be/6Y9wFJ_cgE0

2018 夕方電車々々々々々 180511g

1990 池袋駅-新宿駅-町田駅 埼京線と小田急ロマンスカー Ikebukuro to Machida 900829 https://youtu.be/AUyi-T-NWRg

1990 町田駅-新宿駅-武蔵浦和駅 小田急線と埼京線 Machida to Musashi-Urawa 900829 https://youtu.be/jG48lsyY5sE

1990 武蔵浦和駅からの散策散歩 Musashi-Urawa Walkabout 900829
1990 武蔵浦和駅前と駅と埼京線ホームの様子 Musashi-Urawa Station 900829 https://youtu.be/mnzgxRvjbdI
1990 武蔵浦和駅-新宿駅-渋谷駅 埼京線と山手線 Musashi-Urawa to Shibuya 900829 https://youtu.be/9CgBoHUFXsg
1990 渋谷駅午後六時四十七分当たり Shibuya Station in the Evening 900829 https://youtu.be/Ph6UfXPITXI
1990 渋谷駅の有人改札 水曜日の夜 Shibuya Manual Ticket Gates 900829
1990 渋谷駅-池袋駅-ひばりヶ丘駅 山手線と西武線 Shibuya to Hibarigaoka 900829 https://youtu.be/Gv8eCr3tngY
1990 渋谷の夜 バブル時代 Nighttime Shibuya - Bubble Era 900829

1990 池袋駅-新宿駅-町田駅 山手線と小田急ロマンスカー Ikebukuro to Machida 900831 https://youtu.be/h4RO1-LNAJU
1990 町田駅-新宿駅 小田急線 Machida to Shinjuku - Odakyu Line 900831

1990 有人改札 新宿駅 町田駅 渋谷駅 高田馬場駅 早稲田駅 ひばりヶ丘駅 29日と31日 900831 https://youtu.be/3gRqZ5A0Il0
1990 新宿駅 小田急線とJR線の西口 Shinjuku Station - West Side 900831

1990 新宿駅-原宿駅 山手線 Shinjuku to Harajuku - Yamanote Line 900831
1990 原宿駅-高田馬場駅 山手線 Harajuku to Takadanobaba - Yamanote Line 900831 https://youtu.be/KlrXDwUU-uo

1990 山手線 六ドア車両 Six-Door Yamanote Line Carriage 900831

1990 高田馬場駅 山手線 JR-Takadanobaba Station 900831
1990 高田馬場駅 営団地下鉄 東西線 Takadanobaba Station - Tozai Line 900831 https://youtu.be/DOITC6-KadE
1990 高田馬場駅-早稲田駅 東西線 営団地下鉄 Takadanobaba to Waseda - Tozai Line 900831 https://youtu.be/E6xFWEzUGV8
1990 早稲田駅 東西線 営団地下鉄 Waseda Station - Tozai Line 900831
1990 早稲田駅からの長い散策散歩 目白台など Takadanobaba Walkabout 900831 https://youtu.be/s3Tro1wDJ60
1990 豊島区雑司ヶ谷一丁目の散策散歩 南池袋 池袋駅 Zoshigaya Walkabout 900831 https://youtu.be/75ely8W7CDQ
1990 池袋駅-ひばりヶ丘駅 西武池袋線 Ikebukuro to Hibarigaoka - Seibu Line 900831 https://youtu.be/Zh_PY_i6spU
1990 昭和時代の商店街 平成二年 Showa Era Shotengai Heisei-2 900831

2018 大崎駅 電車の到着 Train Arriving at Osaki 180518

2018 Boarding Train at Hibarigaoka 180518

2018 電車が通る Passing Train 180518

2018 Walking into the Light 180518

2018 春の緑 May Green 180518

2018 Night Train Passing in the Night 180518

2018 Rail Overpass 180518

2018 池袋駅 埼京線ホームの様子 Ikebukuro Saikyo Platform 180518

2018 池袋駅 改札から東口まで Ikebukuro Station - to East Exit 180518

2018 西武池袋駅 夕方通勤ラッシュ ホームの様子 Evening Seibu-Ikebukuro Station 180518 https://youtu.be/t-3pDPfdR2M
2018 ひばりヶ丘駅 ホームから北口まで 使用開始4月26日 Hibarigaoka Station North Side 180518 https://youtu.be/zkAZUvjmACI

2018 ひばりヶ丘駅北口辺りの工事前の空き地と店 Nighttime Hibarigaoka 180518

2018 ひばりヶ丘駅隣の夜踏切 京急線色の電車など Hibarigaoka RR Crossing 180518g

2018 ひばりが丘北口商店街 夜の様子 Hibarigaoka Shotengai Shopping Street 180518

2018 池袋駅-石神井公園駅 夜の西武池袋線 Ikebukuro to Shakuji-koen 180518

2018 恵比寿駅-渋谷駅 埼京線 夕暮れ窓風景 Ebisu to Shibuya Evening View 180518

1990 ひばりヶ丘駅-新宿駅-町田駅 西武池袋線と山手線と小田急線ロマンスカー 900907 https://youtu.be/0cXI5I7r7Jg
1990 町田市 町田駅辺りの散歩 Machida Station Area Stroll 900907

1990 町田駅-新宿駅-新大久保駅 小田急線と山手線 Machida to Shin-Okubo 900907 https://youtu.be/vvc4-r1SzuE
1990 土砂降り 夜の飯田橋駅辺り Rainy Night Near Iidabashi Station 900907 https://youtu.be/nRMK2rVwiAU

1990 新大久保駅からの長い散策散歩 大久保通り 戸山ハイツなど 900907

1990 神楽坂 雨の夜 散策散歩, Kagurazaka Night Rain 900907

2018 新宿の横断歩道 Shinjuku Crosswalk 180612
2018 Lyle Mumbling About Taking Pictures 180528

2018 出発 Departure

2018 高尾駅-高尾山口駅 京王線 Takao to Takaosanguchi Keio Line 180528

2018 品川-東京駅 山手線 Shinagawa to Tokyo - Yamanote Line 180601
2018 花と緑 Flowers After a Rain 180607

2018 秋葉原の横断歩道 Akihabara Crosswalk 180614

2018 秋葉原駅 山手線が遣って来る Akihabara Station Yamanote Line 180614g https://youtu.be/BhE1l14MQIo

2018 秋葉原駅-神田駅 夕暮れの山手線 Twilight Yamanote Line 180614g
2018 神田駅-東京駅 夕暮れの山手線 Twilight Ride to Tokyo Station 180614
2018 銀座へ向かう 180622

2018 山下晃伸の写真展 公園のおもしろトイレ達展 愛知県刈谷市 銀座奥野ビル201号室 画廊一兎庵 180622 https://youtu.be/PqSK8ENBh_c
2018 Akinobu Yamashita Photo Exhibition - Okuno Building Room 201 180622 https://youtu.be/zKv2wVJ8IWE
2018 夕暮れの新宿 歌舞伎町辺り Twilight Shinjuku 180619
2018 Crossing the Street in Shinjuku 180619

2018 品川駅-有楽町駅 山手線 Shinagawa to Yurakucho Yamanote Line 180622 https://youtu.be/Q8oJRDncM6g

2018 有楽町駅 下り階段 Yurakucho Station Walking Down 180622

OK - I give up on finding the video that would correspond to the following picture and am going to just put it here!  This scene is in a video somewhere... one of the 2018 ones:

1991 ひばりが丘北-ひばりヶ丘駅-池袋駅-西武池袋線 Hibarigaoka to Ikebukuro 910729 https://youtu.be/o69dXszUIE4
1991 池袋駅 人々 いつもの忙しい場面 Ikebukuro Nishiguchi 910729
1991 池袋西口散歩 Ikebukuro Nishiguchi Bank Visit 910729
1991 TV Abstract 910730

1991 池袋駅-ひばりヶ丘駅 西武池袋線 Ikebukuro to Hibarigaoka - Seibu-Ikebukuro Line 910729 https://youtu.be/1t7zcjeDb1Y
1991 西馬込駅からの長い南馬込散策散歩 Minami-Magome Walkabout 910729 https://youtu.be/I25wqZUl3Hw

1991 西馬込駅-五反田駅 都営浅草線 Nishi-Magome to Gotanda - Toei-Asakusa Line 910729 https://youtu.be/sz3gFTXbzoU

1991 五反田駅-池袋駅 山手線 Gotanda to Ikebukuro - Yamanote Line 910729 https://youtu.be/sg3J2ewiX9Q

1991 池袋駅 夕方通勤ラッシュの始まり Ikebukuro Station Early Stage Rush 910729 https://youtu.be/3OcVOPELwY0

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon