Wednesday, May 22, 2019

New People...

I wrote a fairly long reply to a comment on one of my YouTube videos, so I thought I'd put that in here as well.  The comment I received was this: "I wonder how different I'd find Tokyo after so long. I left in December 1992."
Time and change are something I'm often thinking about, so this is something I could go on and on about, but for now, here's my short (or long, depending on your point of view) reply:  "Thinking of this question, I immediately recall an experience of mine one evening in Shibuya.  Back in the 1990-93 period when I was taking analog video, I used to go to and/or through Shibuya at least once a week, but then my schedule and work changed and there was a period of many years where I didn't go there at all (more than a decade maybe?).  Then one day I was feeling nostalgic for the place, so I went back for a look.  I arrived one evening and joined the sidewalk crowds of young people and just as I was expecting to feel "Just like the old days!" an uncomfortable feeling crept up on me, so I focused on and tuned into my surroundings to figure out what it was.  Basically, this is what I thought/perceived/realized while walking down that sidewalk: 'Why do I feel uncomfortable?  Why does this feel so different?  Things look pretty much the same... it's pretty much the same young crowd on the sidewalk... !!!!!  Wait!  No!  It isn't the same young crowd!  It's the children of the young crowd I used to walk among!  No wonder it feels different!  It's a completely new group of people!  The people I walked here with before are out there somewhere, but they're doing different things and no longer dating in Shibuya....  These people I'm walking with now were not on planet earth back then!  No wonder if feels different!  Different people!'"

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Meguro River & Other Areas in Tokyo 1991 & 2019

May 1st, 2019 - the first day of a new era in Japan called "Reiwa" (令和).  I was going to go out and take video yesterday, the last day of the Heisei (平成) era, and today, the first day of the Reiwa (令和) era, but then I thought of all the other people who would already be doing that, and decided I didn't really need to join the crowd - the two days will be well-recorded for sure!
   I should be posting these video link posts every month, but this is four months' worth... various things - all requiring time - get in the way.  Hopefully I'll find the time next month for another update and it won't be so long next time!
   The videos in this batch are from 1990, 1991, and 2019.  I'm going to put some pictures in-between the video titles and links, but they will be independent subject-wise.  I'd prefer to have photos that are relevant to the video titles they are near, but there isn't time to do it that way - not this time anyway.  The dates go back and forth between 1990/1991 and 2019, but each video title begins with the year in the title, so as long as you pay attention to that, it should be clear when they were recorded.

1991 夕方駒込駅辺り Komagome Station Area in the Evening 911102

1991 夕暮れの駒込駅 電車がなかなか来ない Twilight Komagome Station 911102 -

1991 駒込駅-池袋駅 山手線 土曜日 Komagome to Ikebukuro - Yamanote Line 911102 -

1991 池袋駅-渋谷駅 土曜日の夜山手線 Ikebukuro to Shibuya - Yamanote Line 911102 -

1991 池袋駅西側の夜散策散歩 ロマンス通りなど Ikebukuro West Side at Night 911102 -

1991 渋谷 土曜日の夜 散策散歩 Shibuya Saturday Night Walkabout 911102

1991 渋谷駅-日吉駅 東横線 Shibuya to Hiyoshi - Toyoko Line 911102

1991 日吉駅-渋谷駅-新宿駅-池袋駅-ひばりヶ丘駅 土曜日の夜 Hiyoshi to Hibarigaoka 911102 -
2019 所沢駅 夜ホームの様子 Nighttime Platform at Tokorozawa Station 190118n -

2019 御茶ノ水駅 下り中央線の到着 Chuo Line Arriving at Ochanomizu 190202 -

2019 人々背中 190115 -

The crowd of people climbing the stairs in the video above had just gotten off of a train that ended its run in Shinjuku.  Shinjuku is said to have the largest number of people using it on a daily basis than any train station in the world, and a large part of that are people who have to change trains there from the Odakyu and Keio Lines (which both end in Shinjuku).

2019 窓反射 夜の山手線 Night Train Window Reflections 190118

JV-30 1991年11月2日について 190129

EV-30 Regarding November 2nd 1991 190129

I felt prompted to comment on the amount of material I recorded on November 2nd, 1991 (JV/EV-30) since it was quite a video-intense day.  I would still (from time-to-time) take video in this way, but high numbers of scenes are problematic with the equipment I'm currently using.  There isn't much good to be said about recording video onto tape, but one really great thing is that scenes are automatically compiled one after the other and don't require software to stitch them together.  So with a two-hour tape, you can have as many scenes as you like ready to go out-of-camera.

JV-32 2007年のメトロニューズ 銀座線の80年記念 190103

EV-32 2007 Metro News - Ginza Line 80th Anniversary 190103

2019 外神田三丁目の古い家 Old House in Soto-Kanda 190105

2019 大崎駅上の通路夜散歩 Osaki Station Overhead Concourse 190111
2019 Ikebukuro Sidewalk 東池袋の夜通り 190118

JV-31 昔は良かったなのか 190202

EV-31 Were Things Better Before or Not 190202

   Were things better or worse before?  Going back and forth via video time machine, this is something I often think about.  Some elements of this type of comparison are really clear, but a large part of any era is relative to many component parts of time, societies, ways of thinking, lifestyles, etc.
   For me personally, the most vexing part of revisiting 1990-93 over and over again for the past twelve(!) years is the realization of how human "overwrite-save" memory corrupts the (remembered) historical record.  I'm interested in the truth and would like to think that memory is something a little more dependable.
   I had heard that people overwrite-save memories, rather than just accessing read-only memory, but that aspect of human memory really came home to me when I began watching the video material I had recorded around 17 years before (the tapes went unseen until 2007, when computer hardware progressed to the point where I could begin digitizing the old tapes).
   In the intervening years, I had seen several period movies and dramas, with current generation young actors playing young people from that circa 1990 era.  I remember - early on - seeing one of those movies about the "bubble era" and thinking "Huh... young actors pretending to be something they are not..." but as the years went by, and I saw more such dramatizations of the period, they began to seem not so far off the mark... until 2007 when I began reviewing actual scenes of the period that I had seen and recorded myself.  While watching them, a flood of memories (that had been buried under years of inaccurate fictional accounts) came back and I remember looking at the screen of the video time machine and thinking "Yeah... *that's* how it was!"
   From that experience, I realized how easily memory can become corrupted.  There are exceptions of course.  Certain events in life generating very powerful emotions seem to record an event powerfully enough that it isn't easily corrupted and is more like "read-only" memory than "overwrite-save" memory.
  And... I hesitate to add this here, as it's sort of off-topic... or maybe it's spot-on topic (depending on how you look at it), but that 1990-93 time frame has come to be a strange thing for me.  While the rest of time flows relentlessly forward, for twelve years I've been revisiting 1990-93 via video time machine and those years have come to feel like an unchanging element of current time.....

2019 御茶ノ水駅の臨時改札口辺り Ochanomizu Station Area 190105

2019 御茶ノ水駅へ入る 聖橋入口 Entering Ochanomizu Station 190105

2019 夜の有楽町駅 ホームの様子 長い山手線の出発 Platform Scene at Yurakucho 190201 -

2019 内回り山手線へ向かうのエスカレーター_Osaki Station Escalator 190111 -

2019 駒込駅 ホームから東改札口と駒込さつき通り散歩まで Komagome Station East Exit 190118 -

2019 駒込駅東口のアザレア通り商店街 Komagome Station Azalea Avenue 190118 -

2019 駒込駅で内回り山手線を乗って出発 Boarding Yamanote Line at Komagome 190118 -

2019 池袋駅の地下通路で東池袋地上までの散歩 Ikebukuro Underground Passage 190118 -

2019 東池袋の何とか通りの夜散策散歩 Ikebukuro East Side Night Street 190118 -

2019 地下通路で池袋駅へ向かう Ikebukuro Underground Passageway 190118 -

2019 西池袋 駅前広場から西へ 夜の散策散歩 Nighttime Nishi-Ikebukuro 190118 -
2019 有楽町のイルミネーション Seasonal Lights in Yurakucho 190201

2019 有楽町駅 夜ホームの様子 Yurakucho Station Nighttime View 190125

2019 西武池袋駅 切符売り場から改札口とホームへ Seibu-Ikebukuro Station 190118 -

2019 西武池袋線 京急線色の電車を乗る 池袋駅で Boarding Seibu Train 190118 -

2019 西武池袋駅から出発 Departing Seibu-Ikebukuro Station 190118n

2019 石神井公園駅-ひばりヶ丘駅 西武池袋線 Shakujikoen to Hibarigaoka 190118 -

2019 夜のひばりヶ丘駅 ホームから改札口と北側の階段へ Hibarigaoka Station at Night 190118 -

2019 夜のひばりが丘 駅の北側 道路の工事中 Nighttime Hibarigaoka Road Construction 190118 -
2019 ひばりヶ丘駅隣の夜踏切 北側から南側へ Hibarigaoka RR Crossing at Night 190118 -

2019 ひばりヶ丘駅エスカレーターとホーム 夜の様子 Riding a Down Escalator 190118 -

2019 下り各駅と急行列車 夜のひばりヶ丘駅で Outbound Seibu Trains at Hibarigaoka 190118 -

1991 ひばりヶ丘駅-池袋駅 日曜日の夜 西武池袋線 Hibarigaoka to Ikebukuro 911103 -

1991 夜の池袋 短い 日曜日 Quick Look at East Side of Ikebukuro 911103

1991 池袋駅-ひばりヶ丘駅 日曜日終電の西武池袋線 Ikebukuro to Hibarigaoka 911103 -

1991 ひばりヶ丘駅前 西武バスで田無駅まで Bus to Tanashi Station 911104

1991 田無駅 昼の様子 西武新宿線 Daytime Tanashi Station Platform View 911104 -

1991 田無駅-野方駅 西武新宿線 Tanashi to Nogata - Seibu-Shinjuku Line 911104 -
2019 夜の商店街 ひばりが丘北 Hibarigaoka at Night 190215

2019 田無駅 改札口から北側まで Tanashi Station North Side 190215

JV-33 昔と今 思い出横丁 190205

EV-33 Before and Now - Omoide-Yokocho 190205

JEV-34 限定の物はやっぱり高い Special Issue Confectionery 190206

JEV-35 抹茶のお菓子 Green Tea Confectionery 190210

2019 西武柳沢駅-田無駅 西武新宿線 Nishi-Yagisawa to Tanashi 190215

2019 田無駅 ホームから改札口まで Tanashi Station 190215

2019 田無駅の隣 南側 Tanashi Station Area - South Side 190215
2019 田無駅隣のバス停 Waiting for a Bus at Tanashi Station 190215

2019 バスを乗る 西武バス Boarding a Bus in Tanashi 190215

2019 田無駅前からひばりヶ丘駅近くまで 西武バス Tanashi to Hibarigaoka Bus 190215 -

2019 ひばりヶ丘駅近くからひばりヶ丘駅前 西武バス Bus to Hibarigaoka 190215 -

JEV-37 炭火焼のお煎餅 Opening Pack of Rice Crackers 190217

2019 ひばりヶ丘駅 改札口からホームまで Hibarigaoka Station 190215

2019 石神井町の商店街 夜の様子 190215

JV-36 石神井公園 久しぶり 190215

EV-36 Shakujikoen 30 Years Ago and Now 190215

2019 夜の石神井公園 北側 Nighttime Shakujikoen - North Side 190215

2019 ひばりヶ丘駅辺り 北側 Hibarigaoka Station Area - North Side 190215
2019 田無駅辺り 夜の北側 Nighttime Tanashi Station Area - North Side 190215 -

2019 夜の田無駅 ホームの様子 Nighttime Tanashi Station Platform 190215

2019 石神井公園駅 ホームの様子 Waiting for a Train 190215

2019 ひばりヶ丘駅 下りホームの夜様子 Hibarigaoka Station 190215

2019 ひばりヶ丘駅前-田無駅前 西武バス Seibu Bus to Tanashi 190215

2019 石神井公園駅 改札からホームまで Shakujikoen Station 190215

2019 ひばりヶ丘駅-保谷駅 西武池袋線 Hibarigaoka to Hoya - Seibu Line 190215 -

2019 保谷駅-大泉学園駅-石神井公園駅 西武池袋線 Hoya to Shakujikoen 190215 -

2019 石神井公園駅 夕暮れホームの様子 Twilight at Shakujikoen Station 190215 -

2019 夕暮れの石神井公園駅辺り Twilight Shakujikoen Station Area 190215
1991 野方駅からバスを乗る 中野の方へ行く Bus from Nogata 911104

1991 野方の散策散歩 Nogata Walkabout 911104

1991 野方駅-上石神井駅-田無駅 西武新宿線 Nogata to Tanashi - Seibu Line 911104 -

2019 新橋駅 忙しい夕方の様子 Shinbashi Station Platform View 190222

1991 田無駅辺りの西側散策散歩 工事など Tanashi Under Construction 911104 -

1991 田無駅近く-ひばりヶ丘駅前 西武バス Bus to Hibarigaoka from Tanashi 911104 -

1991 ひばりが丘北 商店街の土曜日の朝 Saturday Morning Hibarigaoka 911109 -

1991 ひばりヶ丘駅-石神井公園駅-池袋駅 西武池袋線 Hibarigaoka-Ikebukuro 911109 -

1991 池袋駅 乗り換え 西武線からJRまで Ikebukuro Station on Saturday Morning 911109 -

1991 池袋駅-品川駅 山手線 貨物船など Ikebukuro-Shinagawa - Yamanote Line 911109 -

1991 品川駅とスーパー Shinagawa Station and Supermarket 911109
2019 有楽町駅-東京駅 京浜東北線 Yurakucho to Tokyo 190222

2019 国分寺駅 中央線と西武国分寺線 Kokubunji Station 190228

JV-38 チェンジ 今と昔 どちらが良いなのか 190302

EV-38 Change - Better Now or Then 190302

2019 品川駅隣 高輪口 西側 見回り Shinagawa West Side View 190302

2019 神田駅-東京駅 京浜東北線 Kanda to Tokyo - Keihin-Tohoku Line 190221 -

2019 東小金井駅-武蔵小金井駅 中央線 夕暮れの様子 Twilight Chuo Line Outbound 190221 -

2019 大崎駅-品川駅 山手線 夕暮れの窓風景 Osaki to Shinagawa - Yamanote Line 190222 -

2019 品川駅-田町駅 山手線 Shinagawa to Tamachi - Yamanote Line 190222

2019 夜の東京鉄度と反射 新幹線と京浜東北線と山手線 Parallel Night Trains in Tokyo 190222 -

2019 夜の新橋駅 山手線と京浜東北線 Shinbashi Station at Night 190222
1991 北品川の散策散歩 北品川商店街 中央通りなど Shinagawa Walkabout 911109 -

1990 明治神宮外苑から表参道までの夜散歩 Night Walkabout to Harajuku 901104 -

1990 原宿 夜の竹下通りとその周り散策散歩 Harajuku Walkabout - Takeshita-dori 901104 -

2019 電車を通過しますと特急の到着 Passing Train 190311

2019 国分寺駅-武蔵小金井駅 中央線 Kokubunji to Musashikoganei - Chuo Line 190319 -

EV-39 Regarding Facing the Lens 190319

JV-39 自分の様子を写真や動画を撮るに対して - 自撮り 190319

2019 武蔵小金井駅 上り特急を通過する Passing Express Train 190319

2019 武蔵小金井駅-東小金井駅 中央線 Musashikoganei to Higashi-Koganei - Chuo Line 190319 -

2019 東京駅-有楽町駅-新橋駅 京浜東北線 Tokyo to Shinbashi - Keihin-Tohoku Line 190319 -
2019 新橋駅 ホームの様子 Shinbashi Station Platform View 190319

2019 東京駅 ホームの様子 Tokyo Station Platform View 190319

1990 原宿 夜の竹下通りとその周り散策散歩 Harajuku Walkabout - Takeshita-dori 901104 -

1990 原宿駅-新宿駅-新大久保駅-高田馬場駅-池袋駅 山手線 Harajuku to Ikebukuro 901104 -

2019 外神田 夜の散策散歩 Sotokanda Night Walkabout 190426

2019 夜 工事の音 電気の光 ビル 車 考え Night Sounds and Scenes 190424

2019 夜の昌平橋 Nighttime Shohei Bridge 190426

2019 鷹の台駅-恋ヶ窪駅 西武国分寺線 Takanodai To Kokubunji 190322

2019 風の強い日 国分寺 Windy Day in Kokubunji 190322

2019 春の小平中央公園 Springtime Park 190331
2019 風の強い日 国分寺 Windy Day in Kokubunji 190322

2019 吉祥寺駅-三鷹駅-武蔵境駅 中央線 Westward Bound Chuo Line 190401 -

2019 東小金井駅-武蔵小金井駅 中央線 Chuo Line Going West 190401

2019 Riverside Sakura Bicycle Ride 190406

2019 御茶ノ水駅-神田駅-東京駅 中央線 Ochanomizu to Tokyo - Chuo Line 190426 -

2019 Afternoon Bus Ride 190403

2019 Bus Front Seat View 190403

2019 浦和駅-赤羽駅 東北本線 Urawa to Akabane 190403

2019 赤羽駅-尾久駅-上野駅 窓の風景 東北本線 Akabane to Ueno 190403

2019 上野駅 東北本線を降りてからの見回る 中央改札へ向かう Ueno Station 190403 -

EV-43 Closing of Plaza by Shinjuku Station New South Exit 190403

JV-43 新宿駅新南口 バスタ新宿隣の広場の終了 残念 190403

EV-40 Limited Edition Spring Drinks 190322

JV-40 限定の春飲み物 190322
2019 Construction Zone by Shinjuku New South Exit 190403n

2019 西国分寺駅 武蔵野線 電車が遣って来る Nishi-Kokubunji Station 190403 -

2019 武蔵浦和駅 ホームの様子 Musashino Station Platform 190403

2019 有楽町駅-新橋駅 夕方のJR線 Yurakucho to Shinbashi Evening View 190403 -

2019 山手線の到着 夕暮れの新橋駅 Yamanote Line at Shinbashi Evening View 190403n -

EV-41 Summer 96 and Year 2000 Commemorative Cans 190323

JV-41 96年夏生のと2000年記念の缶 190323

2019 狭間駅-めじろ台駅 京王線 Hazama to Mejirodai - Keio Line 190415

2019 東京駅 中央線の特急出発 Departing Express Train at Tokyo Station 190418 -

2019 夕暮れの高尾山口駅 京王線 Twilight Platform View 190415
2019 高尾山口駅-高尾駅 京王線夕暮れ風景 Twilight Ride to Takao 190415

2019 高尾駅で夕暮れの窓風景-狭間駅 京王線 Takao to Hazama - Keio Line 190415 -

2019 狭間駅-めじろ台駅 京王線 Hazama to Mejirodai - Keio Line 190415

2019 品川区の目黒川 夕方の様子 政治家の声 Evening Meguro River 190418n -

2019 川とビルと とまれ など 夕方 190418

2019 Cars Trains and a Building - One Day in Shinagawa 190418

2019 十九時四十四分発 Departing at 744 190426g

2019 山手線が遣って来ます The Yamanote Line 190418

2019 過去の響く Past in Present 190426g
2019 昭島市立 郷地稲荷神社 児童遊園 190406

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon