Friday, January 13, 2023

Morning Train

The problem with writing is that true thought is wordless, so when you want to express wordless things with words, it's never going to be entirely accurate.  The tools that words are, while a truly wonderful thing (when used correctly, or a horrible thing when used otherwise) are always going to do an imperfect job of conveying what you want to convey.  And so it is today, as I sit on an early morning train, speeding through Tokyo.  This morning has been a smoothly flowing one... so far!  You  never know what's going to happen after all.  When you're in a smooth flow, the many elements of... everything, the people around you, the things around you, the temperature, the smells (or lack thereof), the atmosphere... everything... comprise the total picture of the value of existence.

- Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon - - - 

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