Friday, December 09, 2022

Hoping for things not to get worse...

   I used to think - when people said how they wished they lived in a different era - that every era has its good and bad aspects... but recently it's beginning to seep in that whereas the thought before was "how to make things better", now it's beginning to be "how not to let things get worse"....  Which is pretty profoundly depressing, when you think about it.

   That said, I must say I do appreciate the computer tools we have now.  It was so much more trouble to write before.

   Shorter and shorter days... the morning begins under a starry sky - more the night before than morning.  And then as the commute progresses, the light of the sun begins to color the eastern sky.

   I noticed a couple of (probably) tourists looking at a station map this morning - with a woman touching the stations on a line one by one while the man she was with looked on.  Not sure what she was doing, but as it was a Japanese only map, it occurred to me that she was counting off the stations to somewhere?  I briefly considered stopping and asking if they wanted any help, but even before the Internet foreign tourists were generally vastly happier to get lost than to be helped by another outsider.  That used to seem odd, or perverse, or something to me, but it makes sense - you don't go off to exotic lands just to talk to people like you left at home.

- Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon - - -

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