Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Smartphone People... 全く!

A: Going straight home?
B: Yeah.  I don't need to do any shopping today.
A: Want to sit together on the train then?
B: Well, that depends...
A: On what?
B: On your smartphone!
A: What do you mean?
B: Are you going to turn the power off?
A: No. Why?
B: Because up until now, every time I've ridden on a train with you, your smartphone is priority Number One.  I can't talk to you for more than about eight seconds before someone with higher priority sends you something from afar, whereupon you immediately shut out the person you are physically with so you can focus on higher-priority people on other parts of the planet.  Frankly, it's highly insulting, so if you have your smartphone turned on, then I don't want to sit by you and be continually insulted.  Much better and vastly more pleasant to spend the time with myself - alone, but less lonely because I don't keep freezing myself out of the picture.
A: That's rude.
B: Rude? Telling you the truth?  Less rude than what you've been doing to me!  Don't take it too personally.  Enjoy your distant acquaintances via electronic device and I'll enjoy uninterrupted time with myself.  See ya!
A: ......................................

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

1 comment:

Manuel GM said...

Like a baws!
Couldn't agree with you more.
So many people all over the world seem to not have interest in real life, just in their tiny, virtual, micro universe...